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Classification and Installation Notes seals
  Time:2015/11/2  ‖  Click:4100

      A seal to prevent fluid or solid particles between the surface and prevent leakage from the adjacent external impurities such as binding machines invade the interior parts of material dust and moisture.

First, seal the classification
According to different uses, the seal is roughly the following classification:
1. Seals By Material: divided rubber, polyurethane and engineering plastics.
2. Press the seal effect Category: divided shaft seal, hole sealed, dustproof seal, guide ring, fixed seal, rotary seals.
3. Press the seal if its relative movement of the contact parts can be divided into contact and non-contact seal seal; press seal and the contact position can be divided into the circumferential seal and seal, seal, also known as mechanical seal .

Second, the seal member installation considerations
The role of the seal oil spill closed the chamber gap and to prevent dust, sand and dirt intrusion inside the chamber, but if installed or used improperly, can easily cause fluid leaks, affecting the normal operation of the machine, resulting in burned bearings, broken gear, twist off the drive shaft or other serious faults.

1. Installation Considerations rubber water blocking ring
Cylinder liner is a water blocking circle "o" shaped rubber pieces, mostly circular cross-section, compared with the seal, the structure is simple, neither skeleton nor self-tightening spring, rely on their flexibility and rubber elasticity closed . If improperly installed, make a lot of water jacket cooling water infiltrated the crankcase, causing oil deterioration, lubrication quality deterioration, increased wear all moving parts of the engine, or even a major fault axle bush-burning, etc., so install water blocking laps We should note the following:
(1) could not ring up if water-blocking Cylinder seal tank too small or too deep, so water blocking ring into the seal tank Cylinder certain height curved surface, then, can be added at the bottom of the seal tank asbestos rope wrapped around a layer, coated water resistant calcium grease, and then into the water blocking trap seal tank, and then put pressure on people Cylinder body seat hole.
(2) If the water blocking ring is too thick or too shallow Cylinder seal tank, after loading up too much water blocking circle arcuate surface, this time not only Liner installation difficulties, will squeeze even squeeze rotten bad rubber seal Liner available uniformly polished emery cloth rubber seal, seal tank until after loading projecting its height appropriate date. Then coated with grease on the rubber ring can be pressed into the body Liner seat hole.
(3) If the water blocking laps uneven thickness or seal tank shades, installed after the rubber ring on the cylinder barrel protruding height uneven, you should carefully check the rubber ring is the problem, or the problem of seal tank, will be kept problematic parts replaced.
(4) Before the rubber seal tank water blocking the trap into the cylinder liner, rubber ring and seal tank should be cleaned, and to avoid contamination of impurities into the installation. After the rubber ring mounted on the cylinder liner, to double-check whether they have twisted off the tank and so muddy. Before installing the cylinder, the cylinder should be carefully remove dirt, on the lower bearing hole Korea, and oil coated the surface of the lower bearing hole, then slowly Cylinder pressure on people bearing hole.

2. Installation Notes skeleton of self-tight rubber seal
(1) Before installing the seal shall check whether the journal surface too rough, with or without injuries, especially the presence or absence of a long scar along the axial direction. If the journal surface is too rough, it is easy to damage the seal lip or accelerated wear, damage its sealing performance. If the journal surface due to improper disassembly bludgeoning more serious injuries, make the oil seal lip and the journal surface fit lax, causing oil leakage. In both cases, the scar on the rear portion of the re-surfacing prescribed journal size lathe round, or replaced with a new axis. If the journal only metal burr burr head or shaft, etc., can rasp grinding smooth to prevent injury to the oil seal lip when installing seals.
(2) Check the oil seal lip with or without breaking, injury, or oil corrosion cracking, if these negative phenomena, should be replaced with a new seal.
(3) When installing oil seal to prevent oil seal lip is stretched deformed or scratch damage, shall be dedicated installation tool. Without this tool, available dismount installation: first in the journal and the axis of the first part, on the volume of the hard layer of transparent plastic film (commonly known as cellophane), cast a little oil on the surface of the oil into the envelope wrapped in plastic axis head film even forced to seal slowly pushed to the journal, and then pull out the plastic film. Note: Do not be lip installed wrong direction, it should have the inside toward the oil reservoir, a trademark and specifications side facing outward. Because only one-way lip seal, if the anti-oil packaging, is bound to cause oil leakage, seal weakened or failure. To avoid oil packaged crooked or stick with a hammer and other tools in the seal surface Luanqiao too hard, or easy to make seals cause injury is.
(4) During the installation process, you should keep the seal (especially the lip portion) and the clean parts of the journal, and pay attention not spring out of the tight seal since spring outside the tank. If the self-tightening spring relaxation, deflation, depending on the circumstances of their period of cut down both ends of the head-to-firm can continue to use.

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