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Product Category: SAKAGAMI   →   Pneumatic Seals
Product Type: PSD
Click 3011 
Product Information:

      PSD Seals [Material number RN713 (RF704))], common pressure 1MPA, maximum speed 1MPA, temperature [-15 ℃ ~ 60 ℃ (-5 ℃ ~ 150 ℃)] compact double piston pressure to open special seals, and O ring ratio, excellent friction characteristics, using the suppression flip, cross-sectional shape of the design distorted.
Main purpose: Standard cylinders, small caliber cylinder, thin cylinder.
● may be due to the installation location can not be installed in the groove of the overall groove. In this case, please use the split groove structure.
● φD H9 / f8-oriented approach and due to support change, and with the wear ring, wear ring size referring to the table.
※ symbol on the processing surface roughness standard series, please refer to commonly used with the table
Air quality:
Supply air: Set Oiler / refueling and other oil installations in the pneumatic circuit, mixed with mist in the air supply of oil for rust prevention / lubricating system. Please select high-quality mineral lubricating oil.

No supply air: As the Oiler / refueling and other oil installations within pneumatic circuit is not provided, it must be applied to the sliding portion in advance of high quality grease.

Dry air: In order to exclude the above-described oil-free air is discharged to provide other effects, provided in the circuit air dryer, the supply, clean air exhaust system. Seals and other high-quality grease must be applied in advance.

Grease: Use lithium soap grease (mineral oil grease) consistency (JIS K2560) on the 1st or the 2nd.
When heat use, please use grease, fluorine grease and the like.

产品代号 密封件的公称尺寸及腔体尺寸(単位:mm)
(RN 713)
(RF 704)
D d H G D1 L
PSD-10 *PSD-10F 10 5.4 1.6 1.8 9.7 1
PSD-12 *PSD-12F 12 7.4 1.6 1.8 11.7 1
PSD-15 *PSD-15F 15 10.4 1.6 1.8 14.7 1
PSD-16 *PSD-16F 16 11.4 1.6 1.8 15.7 1
PSD-20 *PSD-20F 20 14 2.24 2.4 19.5 1.5
PSD-25 *PSD-25F 25 17 3 3.2 24.5 2
PSD-30 *PSD-30F 30 22 3 3.2 29.5 2
PSD-32 *PSD-32F 32 24 3 3.2 31.5 2
*PSD-0038A02N713 38 30 3 3.2 37.5 2
PSD-40 *PSD-40F 40 32 3 3.2 39.5 2
*PSD-0044A02N713 44 36 3 3.2 43.5 2
PSD-50 *PSD-50F 50 40 3.8 4 49.5 2.5
*PSD-0056A02N713 56 46 3.8 4 55.5 2.5
*PSD-0060A03N713 60 50 3.8 4 59.5 2.5
PSD-63 *PSD-63F 63 53 3.8 4 62.4 2.5
*PSD-0070A02N713 70 55 5.6 6 69.4 3
*PSD-0075A02N713 75 60 5.6 6 74.4 3
PSD-80 *PSD-80F 80 65 5.6 6 79.4 3
*PSD-0085A02N713 85 70 5.6 6 84.4 3
*PSD-0090A02N713 90 75 5.6 6 89.4 3
*PSD-0095A02N713 95 80 5.6 6 94.4 3
PSD-100 *PSD-100F 100 85 5.6 6 99.4 3
*PSD-0110A02N713 110 95 5.6 6 109.3 3
*PSD-0120A03N713 120 105 5.6 6 119.3 3.5
PSD-125 *PSD-125F 125 110 5.6 6 124.3 3.5
PSD-140 *PSD-140F 140 125 5.6 6 139.3 3.5
*PSD-0150A02N713 150 135 5.6 6 149.3 3.5
PSD-160 160 140 7.6 8 159.3 5
*PSD-0175A02N713 175 155 7.6 8 174.3 5
PSD-180 *PSD-180F 180 160 7.6 8 179.3 5
*PSD-0200A03N713 *PSD-0200A04F704 200 180 7.6 8 199 5
*PSD-0250A03N713 250 230 7.6 8 249 5
*PSD-0300A03N713 300 280 7.6 8 299 5


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