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CR floating seal HDDF
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Product Name: CR floating seal HDDF 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: CR/SKF   →   CR / SKF floating seal
Product Type: HDDF
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Product Information:

US CR floating seal

Floating Seal Design:
    Floating seal consists of two identical alloy cast iron ring and two rubber rings, and its working principle is a rubber ring in support of a pair of metal rings formed under an enclosed space (but not in contact with the shaft) and the cavity, running Two metal rings through the surface ground and work closely with the relative movement, on the one hand to ensure a well-functioning, on the other hand effective packer outside dust, water, dirt, grease does not protect the internal leakage.
    HDDF floating seal-type requires a smaller installation space, the shape of the corresponding groove easier to process, however, the series corresponding to the seal groove having a higher processing precision. Due to the different ladder compression set rubber ring and rubber O-ring, compression must 严格安 dimensions and clearances for installation according to the regulations. If the gap is too small, it may lead to cold welding sealing surface, if the gap is too big, it may lead to oil spills. Meanwhile, the deviation processing size can also affect the elastic reserve rubber ring and shorten life.

--- Reliable design
--- Effective packer outside dust, water, dirt, and protects the internal lubricant and grease
--- Low cost, high efficiency
--- Installation easy positioning
--- Longer life
--- Automatic compensation eccentric shaft

    Floating seal widely used, is generally recommended for use in slow, lubrication reliability and life requirements of the occasion. For example: It can be used:
    Mining Equipment: Heavy trucks, shovels, drills, shearer, conveyor, screening machine, crushing machines.
    Construction Equipment: hydraulic excavators, bulldozers.
    Agricultural machinery: Wheeled tractors, cultivators, trenchers, lawn mower.

    Material US companies HDDF CR floating seal metal ring is usually an alloy cast iron, hardness HRC58-HRC63; rubber ring material usually nitrile rubber.

Working conditions:
    Working pressure: ≤3 bar
    Working temperature: -30 --- + 110 ° C (NBR) -25 --- + 200 ° C (FPM)
    Surface roughness: the surface roughness of the recommendations in contact with the sealing ring is Ra4.0-6.5.

Installation Instructions:
     --- Thorough cleaning chamber pieces, remove any residue must be smooth all the edges of the trench edge.
     --- Floating oil can only open the original packaging prior to installation, remove the seals.
     --- Check the ladder ring position, can not be distorted, put half of the seal into the inlet chamber, uniform pressed into the cavity, ethanol can be used wet trenches and rubber ring for easy installation, prohibited the use of lubricity oil or grease and other auxiliary installations.
     --- After checking the installation of the outer surface of the trench and sealing surfaces are parallel, the maximum deviation is 1MM, ladder ring can not have any ups and downs in the trench and outstanding.
     --- In the sides of the seal ring pressed, clean the sealing surface and the sealing surface with a lint-free cloth coated with a thin film of oil.
     --- Check the gap after the installation is completed, calculate the amount of compression.
   NOTE: If the seal assembly is separated in the maintenance, even if the wear limit has not been reached, it must re-install the new seal assembly. Because the contact surface after running in a short time will run along a common trajectory, can not be guaranteed when installed in the original location and re-install, wear path no longer matches the sealing surface, oil spills will occur until the sealing surface of this run-in until.


订货号 密封尺寸 沟槽尺寸  øD1max Tol +/-
  ød H  øD2 L1 +/-0.5 L2  øD3 r
CR 16904 44,7 21,49 70.1 24,74 11,51 57,96 1,00 42.88 0.10
CR 18259 48,51 20,07 76,28 22,66 10,57 62,86 1,00 46,02 0.10
CR 21306 56,26 20,62 82,55 22,86 10,62 70,08 1,00 53,98 0.10
CR 25096 65,53 21,34 95,56 23,04 10,72 80,98 1,00 63,5 0.10
CR 27536 71,88 20,57 102,36 23,32 10,82 88,39 1,00 69,85 0.10
CR 30651 80,52 23,16 114,3 25,81 12,06 97,36 1,00 77,8 0.10
CR 35076 91,95 24,43 125,81 27,84 12,98 109,12 1,00 88,9 0.10
CR 38740 102,62 25,45 134,92 27,99 13,31 120,65 1,00 98,42 0.10
CR 38751 102,62 28,19 141,27 32,18 15,09 121,69 1,00 98,42 0.10
CR 43135 112,27 25,45 147,9 27,99 13,31 130,18 1,00 109,52 0.10
CR 43150 112,27 27,69 152,4 33,53 15,88 131,39 1,00 109,52 0.10
CR 46975 121,79 31,85 162,56 38,73 18,34 141,81 1,00 119,08 0.10
CR 50655 131,32 29,21 171,45 32,51 15,37 151,76 1,00 128,57 0.10
CR 54000 142,88 30,02 177,55 33,27 15,88 168,28 1,00 137,16 0.10
CR 56170 147,96 33,02 184,15 34,7 16,51 164,74 1,00 142,88 0.10
CR 58775 152,4 37,85 194,08 38,35 18,39 174,45 1,00 149,22 0.10
CR 63796 166,88 34,29 206,25 32,13 15,19 191,90 1,00 161,93 0.10
CR 67560 175,77 32,00 218,95 34,92 16,66 196,85 1,00 171,45 0.10
CR 74310 191,52 34,14 238,76 42,06 20,14 214,15 1,00 188,93 0.10
CR 78020 201,68 38,10 254 44,45 21,21 226,31 1,50 198,12 0.10
CR 82540 212,29 39,67 255,57 39,62 18,92 235,71 1,50 209,55 0.10
CR 86850 223,27 41,71 277,14 48,87 23,67 247,75 1,50 220,68 0.15
CR 93115 239,01 38,35 279,4 36,5 17,45 263,14 1,00 236,52 0.15
CR 93125 239,01 38,35 295,27 44,55 21,26 273,05 2,00 236,52 0.15
CR 95620 245,36 43,18 301,22 49,5 23,5 271,86 1,50 242,87 0.15
CR 108710 280,92 42,42 329,41 39,12 18,54 307,34 1,00 276,23 0.15
CR 116500 299,21 30,73 336,55 32,77 15,62 324,61 1,00 295,27 0.15
CR 124020 317,5 40,89 365,13 42,06 20,02 343,66 1,50 314,96 0.15
CR 137570 353,31 42,42 401,75 47,63 23,01 380,62 2,00 349,25 0.15
CR 806715 379,73 42,42 424,05 47,63 23,01 402.92 1,00 0.15
CR 807115 379,73 42,42 424,05 47,63 23,01 402.92 1,00 374,65 0.15
CR 171025 438,91 42,14 488,7 38,89 18,39 467,36 1,00 434,98 0.15
CR 191022 488,95 46.53 546,1 41,66 19,91 532,13 1,00 485,77 0.15
CR 238020 616,71 47.02 682,63 53,98 25,86 648,97 1,00 606,42 0.15
CR 807199 616,71 47.02 682,63 53,98 25,86 648.97 1,50 606,42 0.15
CR 807149 749,6 47.02 812,8 53,98 26,11 779.07 2,00 736,6 0.15


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