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Product Name: NOK USI 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: NOK seal   →   NOK Hydraulic seal
Product Type: USI
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Product Information:

NOK --- USI piston and rod-specific U-ring
Brand: Japan NOK seals

Material Code: NOK U593

The main fluid suitable: General petroleum based hydraulic oil.

Features: The seal can be used for piston and rod seals. This seal member has a small cross section, can be loaded as a whole slot. This is a small cross-section UPI type. Improvements have been made, the back pressure caused by damage can be prevented.

Applications: engineering machinery, presses, agricultural machinery, lifts, industrial equipment, injection molding machines.


USI piston and rod seals common seals type table

Product      number Size


FU0064-S0        USI 10*18*5

FU2464-S0        USI 12*20*5

FU2465-S0        USI 12.5*20*5

FU0116-S0        USI 14*22*5

FU0150-S0        USI 16*24*5

FU2466-S0        USI 17*25*5

FU0180-S0        USI 18*26*5

FU0212-S0        USI 20*28*5

FU0214-S0        USI 20*30*6

FU2467-S0        USI 22*30*5

FU0260-S0        USI 22.4*30*5

FU0267-S0        USI 23.5*31.5*5

FU2468-S0        USI 24*32*5

FU0276-S0        USI 25*33*5

FU0279-S0        USI 25*35*6

FU2469-S0        USI 26*34*5

FU2470-S0        USI 27*35*5

FU0320-S0        USI 28*35.5*5

FU0321-S0        USI 28*36*5

FU0355-S0        USI 30*38*5

FU0357-S0        USI 30*40*6

FU0382-S0        USI 31.5*41.5*6

FU2055-S0        USI 32*42*6

FU2471-S0        USI 33*43*6

FU2263-S0        USI 34*44*6

FU0424-S0        USI 35*45*6

FU0451-S0        USI 35.5*45*6

FU0452-S0        USI 35.5*45.5*6

FU2472-S0        USI 36*46*6

FU2240-S0        USI 38*48*6

FU0497-S0        USI 40*50*6

FU0567-S0        USI 45*55*6

FU0572-S0        USI 45*56*7

FU2662-S0        USI 46*56*6

FU0619-S0        USI 50*60*6

FU0679-S0        USI 53*63*6

FU0694-S0        USI 55*65*6

FU0722-S0        USI 56*66*6

FU2473-S0        USI 58*68*6

FU0746-S0        USI 60*70*6

FU0750-S0        USI 60*71*7

FU2474-S0        USI 61*71*6

FU0786-S0        USI 63*73*6

FU0809-S0        USI 65*75*6

FU0828-S0        USI 67*77*6

FU0849-S0        USI 70*80*6

FU0879-S0        USI 71*80*6

FU0901-S0        USI 75*85*6

FU0939-S0        USI 80*90*6

FU0942-S0        USI 80*95*9

FU2475-S0        USI 85*95*6

FU0984-S0        USI 85*100*9

FU2476-S0        USI 86*100*8.5

FU2372-S0        USI 89*104*9

FU1021-S0        USI 90*100*6

FU1024-S0        USI 90*105*9

FU1051-S0        USI 95*110*9

FU2477-S0        USI 96*111*9

FU1067-S0        USI 98*112*8.5

FU1082-S0        USI 100*115*9

FU1125-S0        USI 105*120*9

FU1135-S0        USI 106*120*8.5

FU1157-S0        USI 110*125*9

FU1179-S0        USI 112*125*9

FU1195-S0        USI 115*130*9

FU1204-S0        USI 118*132*8.5

FU1252-S0        USI 125*140*9

FU1291-S0        USI 132*145*8.5

FU1306-S0        USI 136*150*8.5

FU1343-S0        USI 145*160*9


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