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Merkel Rotomatic M15
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Product Name: Merkel Rotomatic M15 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: Merkel seal   →   Merkel hydraulic seal
Product Type: M15
Click 2855 
Product Information:

Germany Merkel --- rotary type seal M15


2 coaxial seal assembly, for rotary. It consists of a PTFE shaped ring and one for pre-loaded components composed of an O-ring. Sealing ring inner edge of the sliding surface.

Product Benefits

Double-acting seal for rotary axes, the moving parts of the hydraulic system, mainly used for hydraulic joints and rotary joints.

■ section size small

■ resistant hydraulic fluid characteristic strong

■ Low friction, no stick-slip phenomenon

Recommended Applications

Excavators, crawler machines, rotary joint

Material formulation

PTFE shaped ring:

           Material Code

PTFE / glass fiber / molybdenum disulfide composite GM201

O- rings:

   Material Code Hardness

Nitrile rubber NBR 70 NBR B276 Shore A 70 degree

Fluorine rubber FKM 70 FKM K655 Shore A 70 degree


Merkel --- M 15 type rotary seal type table

Model d * D * L O ring material Order No.

M15-20 * 27.5 * 3.2 NBR 24336291

M15-25 * 32.5 * 3.2 NBR 24342634

M15-28 * 35.5 * 3.2 NBR 24342635

M15-30 * 37.5 * 3.2 NBR 24332459

M15-30 * 41 * 4.2 NBR 24260303

M15-30 * 41 * 4.2 FKM 24263153

M15-32 * 39.5 * 3.2 NBR 24342636

M15-35 * 46 * 4.2 NBR 24288862

M15-36 * 47 * 4.2 NBR 24261511

M15-40 * 51 * 4.2 NBR 24260912

M15-40 * 55.5 * 6.3 NBR 24263148

M15-45 * 56 * 4.2 NBR 24342638

M15-50 * 61 * 4.2 NBR 24244043

M15-50 * 61 * 4.2 FKM 24260913

M15-50 * 65.5 * 6.3 NBR 24332753

M15-55 * 66 * 4.2 NBR 24339230

M15-56 * 67 * 4.2 NBR 24342640

M15-60 * 71 * 4.2 FKM 24344647

M15-63 * 74 * 4.2 NBR 24342641

M15-65 * 76 * 4.2 NBR 24379352

M15-65 * 80.5 * 6.3 FKM 24262462

M15-70 * 81 * 4.2 NBR 24261512

M15-75 * 86 * 4.2 NBR 24274587

M15-75 * 90.5 * 6.3 FKM 24379083

M15-80 * 91 * 4.2 NBR 24269431

M15-80 * 95.5 * 6.3 NBR 24268439

M15-80 * 95.5 * 6.3 FKM 24379084

M15-85 * 100.5 * 6.3 FKM 24374977

M15-90 * 101 * 4.2 NBR 24295714

M15-90 * 105.5 * 6.3 NBR 24269461

M15-100 * 111 * 4.2 NBR 24334450

M15-100 * 115.5 * 6.3 NBR 24372600

M15-100 * 115.5 * 6.3 FKM 24379085


Note: M15-ring models and parameter table, detailed parameter information, please contact us!

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