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Merkel Double Wiper P9
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Product Name: Merkel Double Wiper P9 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: Merkel seal   →   Merkel hydraulic seal
Product Type: P9
Click 2573 
Product Information:

Merkel dust ring P9 type

1. Features
Especially for large diameter rod rubber lips mouth dust

2. Advantages
Such lips mouth dust ring having inwardly P9 type function U- shaped scraper ring, outside
Preventing dust and dirt intrusion scraping action.
■ Medium size can not mold / tool
■ dirt scraping action of strong
■ with excellent sealing action to prevent residual film at the piston rod extending rod surface.
■ wear

3. Material
 Material Code Hardness
Nitrile rubber NBR 85 NBR B247 Shore A 85 degree

4. Operating conditions
     Material 85 NBR B247
              Temperature range ℃
Hydraulic oil HL, HLP -30 ... +100
HFA fluid +5 ... +60
HFB fluids +5 ... +60
HFC fluid -30 ... +60
HFD fluids -
Water +5 ... +100
HETG (rapeseed oil) -30 ... +80
HEES (synthetic ester) -30 ... +80
HEPG (ethylene glycol) -30 ... +60
Mineral oil -30 ... +100
Line speed m / s 1


5. cavity and machining standards
Surface machining precision
Valley height Ra Rmax
Sliding surface * *
Trench floor ≤1.6 um ≤6.3 um
Trench side ≤3.0 um ≤15.0 um
* Use as a dust ring, the roughness of the sliding surface should be installed seals adapt.

6. Install

The gap size
Nominal diameter Ø d D D1
16 ... 1000 mm H10 + 0.2
Tolerance ring diameter d is determined by the buffer

Installation and assembly
P9 dust ring can be pressed into the axial opening of the cavity. Carefully dust seal assembly is a prerequisite for correct function - see the technical manual.

Import angle
Chamfer length and angle, shall be used with the piston rod seals adapt.

7. Recommended Applications
Injection molding machines, presses, large fuel tanks
Recommended P9 wiper and OMS-MR or OMS-S for use. At the same time open the upper chamber a pressure relief hole, to avoid back pressure between the seal and the dust ring.


P9-type dust ring product size table


Model d * D * H / L Order No.

P9-200 * 220 * 18 / 10.2 24212749

P9-210 * 230 * 18 / 10.2 24224920

P9-220 * 240 * 18 / 10.2 24224959

P9-230 * 250 * 18 / 10.2 24224931

P9-240 * 260 * 18 / 10.2 24193882

P9-250 * 275 * 22.5 / 16 24175461

P9-260 * 285 * 22.5 / 16 24224921

P9-270 * 295 * 22.5 / 16 24213404

P9-280 * 305 * 22.5 / 16 24183892

P9-290 * 315 * 22.5 / 16 24224938

P9-300 * 325 * 22.5 / 16 24173146

P9-310 * 340 * 27/18 24224922

P9-320 * 350 * 27/18 24224937

P9-330 * 360 * 27/18 24146278

P9-340 * 370 * 27/18 24224930

P9-350 * 380 * 27/18 24147758

P9-360 * 390 * 27/18 24224923

P9-370 * 400 * 27/18 24224929

P9-380 * 410 * 27/18 24149422

P9-390 * 420 * 27/18 24224940

P9-400 * 430 * 27/18 24170712

P9-410 * 440 * 27/18 24224936

P9-420 * 450 * 27/18 24170651

P9-430 * 460 * 27/18 24178040

P9-440 * 470 * 27/18 24224924

P9-450 * 480 * 27/18 24224958

P9-460 * 490 * 27/18 24224942

P9-470 * 500 * 27/18 24224960

P9-480 * 510 * 27/18 24224941

P9-490 * 520 * 27/18 24224957

P9-500 * 530 * 27/18 24224925

Note: Dust ring P9 models and parameters table, detailed parameter information, please contact us!

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