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Merkel Wiper P6
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Product Name: Merkel Wiper P6 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: Merkel seal   →   Merkel hydraulic seal
Product Type: P6
Click 2683 
Product Information:

Merkel Wiper P6

1.Product description
Single-acting elastomeric dirt wiper withbearing segments.

2.Product advantages
  NBR dirt wiper that is primarily used forlarge diameters
■Good seating at the outside diameter
■Very good wiping action
■Wiper can be used for a wide tem-perature range
■No twisting in the housing and no pres-sure build-up between seal and wiper.

  Steel hydraulics engineering, mills,presses.

Material            Code              Hardness
Nitrile   rubber NBR 85 NBR B247     85 Shore A
Fluoro    rubber FKM 85 FKM K664     85 Shore A



型号 d*D*L/H       材质     订货号

P6-16*24.6*5.3/7     FKM     24045457

P6-20*28.6*5.3/7     FKM     24038859

P6-24*32.6*5.3/7     FKM     24138825

P6-25*33.6*5.3/7     FKM     24041104

P6-28*36.6*5.3/7     FKM     24032459

P6-30*38.6*5.3/7     FKM     24040159

P6-32*40.6*5.3/7     FKM     24050857

P6-35*43.6*5.3/7     FKM     24033859

P6-42*50.6*5.3/7     FKM     24044057

P6-45*53.6*5.3/7     FKM     24040959

P6-45*55.6*5.3/7     FKM     24056947

P6-50*58.6*5.3/7     FKM     24036259

P6-55*65.6*5.3/7     FKM     24049905

P6-56*66.6*5.3/7     FKM     24049005

P6-60*70.6*5.3/7     FKM     24038207

P6-60*75*8.2/13      NBR     24004856

P6-63*73.6*5.3/7     FKM     24040605

P6-65*75.6*5.3/7     FKM     24040105

P6-70*78.6*5.3/7     FKM     24147620

P6-70*80.6*5.3/7     FKM     24046105

P6-75*87.2*7.2/12     FKM     24043206

P6-80*88.6*5.3/7     FKM     24044959

P6-80*92.2*7.2/12     FKM     24032405

P6-85*97.2*7.2/12     FKM     24031805

P6-90*102.2*7.2/12     FKM     24033905

P6-100*108.6*5.3/7.1     FKM     24051358

P6-100*112.2*7.2/12     FKM     24031905

P6-105*117.2*7.2/12     FKM     24046106

P6-110*122.2*7.2/12     FKM     24042306

P6-115*127.2*7.2/12     FKM     24041405

P6-120*130.6*5.3/7     FKM     24050006

P6-120*132.2*7.2/12     FKM     24047507

P6-140*155*10.2/16     FKM     24043305

P6-150*165*10.2/16     FKM     24048705

P6-160*175*10.2/16     FKM     24030705

P6-180*200*10.2/18     FKM     24072417

P6-190*210*10.2/18     FKM     24059854

P6-200*220*10.2/18     FKM     24031705

P6-205*220*7.7/16     NBR     24231362

P6-210*225*10.2/16     FKM     24293787

P6-220*235*10.2/16     NBR     24005062

P6-220*240*10.2/18     NBR     24005063

P6-220*240*10.2/18     FKM     24066033

P6-225*245*10.2/18     NBR     24005067

P6-230*245*10.2/16     NBR     24005068

P6-230*250*10.2/18     NBR     24005069

P6-230*250*10.2/18     FKM     24089283

P6-240*260*10.2/18     NBR     24005075

P6-240*260*10.2/18     FKM     24143309

P6-250*270*10.2/18     NBR     24005077

P6-250*270*10.2/18     FKM     24064910

P6-260*280*10.2/18     NBR     24005083

P6-265*280*10.2/16     NBR     24005085

P6-270*290*10.2/18     NBR     24005089

P6-270*290*10.2/18     FKM     24339192

P6-280*310*15.2/25     NBR     49014353

P6-290*305*7.7/13.5     FKM     24145755

P6-290*305*7.7/15     NBR     24005096

P6-300*320*10.2/18     NBR     24005100

P6-300*320*10.2/18     FKM     24170871

P6-320*340*10.2/18     FKM     24123970

P6-350*375*12.7/20     FKM     24068245

P6-350*380*15.2/25     NBR     24108805

P6-360*380*10.2/18     NBR     24375894

P6-365*390*12.7/20     NBR     24374800

P6-370*390*10.2/18     NBR     24327520

P6-380*400*10.2/18     NBR     24114551

P6-380*410*15.2/25     NBR     24005124

P6-380*410*15.2/25     FKM     24067592

P6-400*420*10.2/18     NBR     24005129

P6-400*420*10.2/18     FKM     24149417

P6-420*440*10.2/18     NBR     24090552

P6-420*450*15.2/25     NBR     24005133

P6-420*450*15.2/25     FKM     24222589

P6-430*455*12.7/20     NBR     24073523

P6-440*460*10.2/18     NBR     24197297

P6-450*470*10.2/18     NBR     24005139

P6-450*470*10.2/18     FKM     24216086

P6-460*480*10.2/18     NBR     24095767

P6-500*520*10.2/18     NBR     24005145

P6-500*520*10.2/18     FKM     24239807

P6-510*540*15.2/25     FKM     24350197

P6-520*550*15.2/25     NBR     24193087

P6-530*560*15.2/25     NBR     24005152

P6-555*580*12.7/20     NBR     24092902

P6-560*585*12.7/20     NBR     24079694

P6-575*600*12.7/20     NBR     24085742

P6-600*625*12.7/20     NBR     24112281

P6-610*635*12.7/20     NBR     24138641

P6-630*655*12.7/20     NBR     24073341

P6-640*665*12.7/20     NBR     24133481

P6-670*695*12.7/20     NBR     24075321

P6-680*705*12.7/20     NBR     24170551

P6-700*725*12.7/20     NBR     24356247

P6-710*735*12.7/20     NBR     24075142

P6-720*745*12.7/20     NBR     24181926

P6-750*775*12.7/20     NBR     24104001

P6-770*795*12.7/20     NBR     24343859

P6-780*805*12.7/20     NBR     24100033

P6-800*825*12.7/20     NBR     24069967

P6-800*830*15.2/25     FKM     24362636

P6-850*875*12.7/20     NBR     24082304

P6-880*905*12.7/20     NBR     24182227

P6-900*925*12.7/20     NBR     24005167


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