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Forseal FOA made of PTFE
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Product Name: Forseal FOA made of PTFE 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: Merkel seal   →   Merkel hydraulic seal
Product Type: Forseal FOA
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Product Information:

Forseal FOA made of PTFE

1.Product description
  Single acting, U-ring type PTFE seal withmetal tension spring.

2.Product advantages
  Axially moving piston seal, interchange-able for O-ring housings (ARP568,MIL-P-5514)
■Extremely resistant to media and tem-perature
■Good dry running properties
■Low static and dynamic friction values.

  Hot water valves, accumulators, hydrau-lic and pneumatic cylinders as well as applications in food processing, medical and chemical technology.

4.Design notes
  Beside the default dimensions, all spe-cial dimensions considering the U-ring profiles are available on request without surcharge for the tool.
Dimensions available from Ø 10 (piston) to approx. 2000 mm. In general, instal-lation is only possible in split, axiallyaccessible grooves. Installation in half-open grooves possible in exceptional cases. → Technical Manual.


DN*dN*H        O型圈断面尺寸  订货号       材质

10*7,1*2,1          1,78     422091       PTFE F56110

12*9,1*2,1          1,78     435978       PTFE F56110

14*9,5*2,1          1,78     417777       PTFE F56110

16*11,5*3,2         2,62     372523       PTFE F56110

18*13,5*3,2         2,62     397780       PTFE F56110

20*15,5*3,2         2,62     366331       PTFE F56110

24*19,5*3,2         2,62     525886       PTFE F56110

25*20,5*3,2         2,62     366333       PTFE F56110

28*21,8*4,3         3,53     390784       PTFE F56110

30*23,8*4,3         3,53     366335       PTFE F56110

32*25,8*4,3         3,53     366336       PTFE F56110

35*28,8*4,3         3,53     371930       PTFE F56110

40*33,8*4,3         3,53     366337       PTFE F56110

42*35,8*4,3         3,53     434448       PTFE F56110

45*38,8*4,3         3,53     371448       PTFE F56110

48*38,6*6,6         5,33     422093       PTFE F56110

50*40,6*6,6         5,33     366338       PTFE F56110

55*45,6*6,6         5,33     422322       PTFE F56110

56*46,6*6,6         5,33     422323       PTFE F56110

60*50,6*6,6         5,33     366339       PTFE F56110

63*53,6*6,6         5,33     366340       PTFE F56110

65*74,4*6,6         5,33     371445       PTFE F56110

70*60,6*6,6         5,33     366341       PTFE F56110

75*65,6*6,6         5,33     422325       PTFE F56110

80*70,6*6,6         5,33     366342       PTFE F56110

85*75,6*6,6         5,33     422327       PTFE F56110

90*80,6*6,6         5,33     422328       PTFE F56110

95*85,6*6,6         5,33     389792       PTFE F56110

100*90,6*6,6        5,33     366343       PTFE F56110

110*100*6,6         5,33     422331       PTFE F56110

120*110,6*6,6       5,33     162774       PTFE F56110

125*115*6,6         5,33     422333       PTFE F56110

130*117*9           7        434449       PTFE F56110

140*127*9           7        434451       PTFE F56110

150*137*9           7        373520       PTFE F56110

160*147,8*9         7        165069       PTFE F56110

170*157*9           7        422332       PTFE F56110

180*167*9           7        422335       PTFE F56110

190*177*9           7        405589       PTFE F56110

200*187*9           7        378166       PTFE F56110


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