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Merkel Omegat OMS-S PR
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Product Name: Merkel Omegat OMS-S PR 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: Merkel seal   →   Merkel hydraulic seal
Product Type: OMS-S PR
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Product Information:

Merkel Omegat OMS-S PR

1.Product description
  Two-component Merkel seal set for seal-ing piston rods, consisting of one PTFE profile ring with integrated pressure-relief function and skid with an elastomer profile ring as pre-load component.Patented product design (patent no.:DE 10117662 CI).

2.Product advantages
■Replaceable for operating environments of the Merkel Omegat OMS-S series
■Increased reliability of sealing systems under demanding operating param-eters (no continuous pressure build-up in gap area)
■Extended service life of sealing sys-tems by long-term stability (reduced loading of the sealing system by mini-mised friction and wear).

■Primary seal in one sealing system
■Long stroke (>400 mm)
■High stroke speed when piston rod extends (>0,5 m/s)
■High speed differences depend-ing on the direction of movement(v out > 8 × v in )
■Fast pressure drop in main area
■Large diameter (>310 mm).
 Injection moulding machines, mills, earth moving equipment, presses, steel hydrau-lics engineering, large cylinders.

   d*D*H/L                          订货号

OMS-MR PR 25*35.7*4/4.2           49015922

OMS-MR PR 30*40.7*4/4.2       49013958

OMS-MR PR 32*42.7*4/4.2          49015921

OMS-MR PR 36*46.7*4/4.2           49022316

OMS-MR PR 40*50.7*4/4.2           49008897

OMS-MR PR 40*55.1*5.9/6.3     49030512

OMS-MR PR 45*55.7*4/4.2           49005182

OMS-MR PR 50*60.7*4/4.2           49009141

OMS-MR PR 50*60.7*4/4.2           49022785

OMS-MR PR 50*65.1*5.9/6.3         49023489

OMS-MR PR 50*65.1*5.9/6.3     49029429

OMS-MR PR 50*65.1*5.9/6.3     49004614

OMS-MR PR 55*70.1*5.9/6.3     49023488

OMS-MR PR 55*70.1*5.9/6.3       49019333

OMS-MR PR 55*70.1*5.9/6.3     49014635

OMS-MR PR 56*71.1*5.9/6.3     49002594

OMS-MR PR 56*71.1*5.9/6.3     49018474

OMS-MR PR 56*71.1*5.9/6.3     49014916

OMS-MR PR 60*75.1*5.9/6.3     49039570

OMS-MR PR 60*75.1*5.9/6.3       49012253

OMS-MR PR 63*78.1*5.9/6.3         49009142

OMS-MR PR 63*78.1*5.9/6.3         49018475

OMS-MR PR 63*78.1*5.9/6.3     49014917

OMS-MR PR 65*80.1*5.9/6.3     49002595

OMS-MR PR 65*80.1*5.9/6.3     49021364

OMS-MR PR 68*83.1*5.9/6.3     49024835

OMS-MR PR 70*80.7*4/4.2       49011113

OMS-MR PR 70*85.1*5.9/6.3     49006087

OMS-MR PR 70*85.1*5.9/6.3     49017738

OMS-MR PR 70*85.1*5.9/6.3       49008472

OMS-MR PR 73*88.1*5.9/6.3     49039585

OMS-MR PR 74*89.1*5.9/6.3     49023807

OMS-MR PR 75*90.1*5.9/6.3      49002596

OMS-MR PR 75*90.1*5.9/6.3      49018476

OMS-MR PR 75*90.1*5.9/6.3      49022320

OMS-MR PR 80*95.1*5.9/6.3       49005181

OMS-MR PR 80*95.1*5.9/6.3         49039522

OMS-MR PR 80*95.1*5.9/6.3     49013961

OMS-MR PR 80*95.1*5.9/6.3     49016403

OMS-MR PR 85*100.1*5.9/6.3        49002597

OMS-MR PR 85*100.1*5.9/6.3        49018477

OMS-MR PR 85*100.1*5.9/6.3        49018521

OMS-MR PR 90*105.1*5.9/6.3        49027501

OMS-MR PR 90*105.1*5.9/6.3        49017739

OMS-MR PR 95*110.1*5.9/6.3        49021365

OMS-MR PR 100*115.1*5.9/6.3     49015915

OMS-MR PR 100*115.1*5.9/6.3     49021366

OMS-MR PR 100*115.1*5.9/6.3     49020572


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