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Product Name: PARKER M2 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: PARKER   →   PARKER液压密封
Product Type: M2
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Product Information:

Parker M2 combination of ring type V

  M2 type rod seals have 5 V-ring (3 fabric reinforced seal, two rubber seal), a support ring and a retaining ring. Only hard collar made of fabric. In this sample size in the different cases, to select a combination of seal according to the company's MO seals. The company's sales department will inform the appropriate order


M2 piston seals are the main advantages:

● different liquids and temperature ranges can be adjusted by selecting the appropriate material.

● by changing or adjusting the axial preload (clearance sheet or screw ring) can be adapted to special working conditions.

● Due to the structural stability of the high-voltage peak insensitive.

● Since the contact area length and a few of the sealing lip, it has an excellent sealing performance.

● Seals may be cut, it is advantageous to install. So no need to dismantle all cylinders in the case of maintenance or repair.

  V-ring seals radially pre-cut so that the sealing lip and inner and outer diameters have close contact to obtain good sealing performance low friction. Working pressure can effectively seal and mating surface to achieve a tight fit between. By adjustable groove (screw ring gap or sheet) to achieve the best fit and tightness of the relevant friction. Due to this adjustment means, the sealing member can have a longer working life.


1. Material:

  Collar: NBR-based hard fabric (Q5021 / Q5022)

  V-ring seals: fabric reinforced rubber, NBR-based hard fabric (Q5018 / Q5019), NBR rubber (N3578)

  Support ring: Polyacetal (P O M - W 5 0 0 1) or N B R-based hard fabric (Q5021 / Q5022)

  For high temperature and chemical resistance of the working conditions, it is recommended to use the company FKM material.

If the special requirements (temperature, velocity, for water, HFA solution, HFB and other liquid media), please contact the company's consulting services. In order to recommend the right materials and structures.


2. Application:

Working pressure: ≤350bar

Operating temperature: -40 to + 100 ° C

Surface speed: ≤0,5m / s

Even under harsh working conditions, V-ring seals are extremely suitable as a plunger rod presses, cylinder, valve shaft, valve seal. Therefore, these seals can be recommended in practice it is difficult to predict.

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