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Product Name: PAREKR BA 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: PARKER   →   PARKER液压密封
Product Type: BA
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Product Information:

Parker rod seal type BA

   PARK-O-PAK ® BA type lip seal is the result of progress and development. It combines a high elastic O-rings and lip

The wear resistance of the sealing material advantages.

  This particular seal because of its special structure (assembled O-ring), mainly for mobile equipment. The O-ring to ensure that the sealing lip pre-compression under low pressure or vacuum conditions, which sealing performance is necessary

of. The sealing force is substantially independent of variations in temperature, and even if the occurrence of a certain degree of wear will ensure the necessary pre-compression. Lip due to increased system pressure and the load, the system pressure by compressive deformation of the O-ring is transmitted to the lips.

The main advantage of this seal are:

● particularly strong wear resistance.

● to shock loads and pressure peaks insensitivity.

● high anti-extrusion resistance.

● having the desired sealing effect under no-load and low-temperature conditions.

● suitable for the most demanding working conditions.

● Easy to install.


1. Material:

P5004 is a 93 Shore A hardness polyurethane, O-ring material N0674 is a nitrile rubber Shore A hardness of about 70.

For special requirements (pressure, temperature, speed, etc.), please contact our advisory service department, they will refer you to the appropriate materials and structures.


2. Application:

Working pressure: ≤350bar

Operating temperature: -35 to + 80 ° C

          Peak of + 95 ° C

Surface speed: ≤0,5m / s

  When selecting a seal with the diameter, the best choice may be the largest cross-sectional area of the seal.

  Mainly used for sealing plunger rod, gas drilling, multi-stage cylinder, forging machines fitted with hydraulic equipment and travel

Preparation. For the above and other aspects of the application, users can request the Company to provide technical advice.


3. Install:

  Note that the seal has an axial clearance (see table H and L columns). In order to avoid damage during installation of the sealing lip, do not pull on the seal sharp edges. Typically, such seals are loaded closed trench. In the case of limit and limit cross-sectional diameter, when the structure allowed the use of open trench, use installation aids.

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