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PARKER密封B3C245P5008 B3 125X145X14.5
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Product Name: PARKER密封B3C245P5008 B3 125X145X14.5 
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Product Category: Spot / special   →   PARKER seals
Product Type: B3C245P5008 B3 125X145X14.5
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Product Information:

Brand: PARKER seal

Model: B3 C245 P5008

Size: B3 125X145X14.5 PDF

     PARKER Parker B3 125X145X14.5 rod seal with polyurethane material P5008, which can be used in ordinary rubber fabric reinforced rubber or inadequate performance of a variety of occasions. Main advantages: excellent abrasion resistance; impact load and peak pressure insensitive; high anti-extrusion capability; low compression set; suitable for harsh working conditions; easy to install.
    Mainly used in mobile machinery or heavy-duty industrial hydraulic piston or the piston rod seal. Grooves and diameters are in line with ISO5597 / 1 and ISO3320 standards. Working pressure: 400bar; Operating temperature: -35 ° C to + 110 ° C; surface speed: 0.5m / s.

Name: B3 type rod seals
B3C245P5008 125 * 145 * 14.5 / 16
B3C224P5008 125.1 * 140.5 * 9.8 / 10.9
B3C427P5008 127 * 142.88 * 9.53 / 10.3
B3D049P5008 130 * 150 * 12/13
B3D050P5008 130 * 150 * 15/16
B3E054P5008 140 * 155 * 9/10
B3E055P5008 140 * 155 * 9.6 / 10.6
B3E060P5008 140 * 160 * 14.5 / 16
B3E065P5008 145 * 165 * 14.5 / 16
B3F070P5008 150 * 170 * 15/16
B3F072P5008 152.4 * 171.45 * 12.7 / 13.49
B3G080P5008 160 * 180 * 15/16
B3G085P5008 160 * 185 * 18.2 / 20
B3H020P5008 170 * 200 * 18.2 / 20
B3J020P5008 180 * 200 * 15/16
B3J005P5008 180 * 205 * 18.2 / 20
B3K005P5008 190 * 210 * 15/16
B3L025P5008 200 * 225 * 18.2 / 20
B3L030P5008 200 * 230 * 18/19
B3L110P5008 210 * 230 * 15/16
B3M050P5008 220 * 250 * 22.7 / 25
B3M070P5008 225 * 250 * 18/19
B3N580P5008 250 * 280 * 22.7 / 25
B3P005P5008 280 * 300 * 15/16
B3P010P5008 280 * 310 * 22.7 / 25
B3B030P5008 110 * 130 * 14.5 / 16
B3C017P5009 120 * 135 * 14.5 / 16
B3C040P5008 120 * 140 * 15/16
B3C244P5008 125 * 145 * 12/13
B38089P5008 88.9 * 101.6 * 9.53 / 10.3
B39001P5008 90 * 100 * 6.5 / 7.5
B39002P5008 90 * 102 * 9/10
B39004P5008 90 * 105 * 9/10
B39005P5008 90 * 105 * 11.4 / 12.5
B39009P5008 90 * 110 * 12/13
B39210P5008 92 * 105 * 9.5 / 10.6
B39505P5008 95 * 110 * 9/10
B3A015P5008 100 * 115 * 9/10
B3A020P5008 100 * 120 * 14.5 / 16
B3A060P5008 101.6 * 117.48 * 9.53 / 10.3
B3A503P5008 105 * 120 * 10/11
B3A505P5008 105 * 125 * 14.5 / 16
B3B024P5008 110 * 125 * 9/10
B3B025P5008 110 * 125 * 9.6 / 10.6

  PAREKR series hydraulic seal type: dust ring A1, A5, A6, A8, AD, AF, AG, AH, AM, AY, rod seal B3, BS, BA, BD, BR, BU, C1, CR, M2, M3, OD, ON, JS, Q3, R3; piston seal B7, C2, CQ, CP, KR, M4, OE, OG, OK, CT / Y3, ZW, ZX, JK, ZC, ZP, the guide element F1, F2, F3, FC, FR, rotary seal OR, OQ, RS, RI and the like.
  PARKER pneumatic Series Seal Type: Dust ring A2; pneumatic rod seals C1, E5, E8, E9, EL, EM, EP, EU, Z9, EF, ET; pneumatic piston seals C2, E4, MK, OA, PZ, Z5, Z7, Z8, DE, DK, DP, EK, DR; cushion seal PP, V6-type, etc., and O-rings. United States original authentic, complete products, in stock, price concessions. Welcome to order!

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