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Product Name: PARKER Z8 SEAL 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: PARKER   →   PARKER气动密封
Product Type: Z8
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Product Information:

Z8 type cylinder seal is a lip seal cylinder piston and valves used. It requires a small groove dimensions and with the company's Z4 pneumatic U-rings interchangeable. Z8 Standard series corresponding to meet the ISO 3320 and CETOP RP 52P, RP 43P, RP 53P standard bore.
When the special structure type Z8 lip seal on pneumatic equipment used in the following
• Install a small trench, good sealing performance.
• Since a holding geometry optimum sealing lip lubricant film, but also because the choice of proof on the pneumatic equipment is very suitable for the SFR synthetic rubber material, which is running very smoothly.
• small structure, which static and dynamic friction are very low.
• For dry air and oil-free air. The initial lubrication during assembly of the long working life plays an important role.
• lip seal structure to ensure the proper function.
• Easy sealed groove.
• is also applicable to the buffering action of the cylinder.
Working pressure: ≤16 bar
Working temperature: -20 to + 80 ℃ N3580 (standard material)
         -35 To + 80 ℃ polyurethane P5007
Surface speed: ≤ 1 m / s
Media: oil lubricated air as well as oil-free air after initial lubrication.

Standard materials: N3580, nitrile rubber, hardness of about Shore A75.
Temperature materials: N8602, nitrile rubber, hardness of about Shore A70.
High-temperature materials: V8550, fluorine rubber, hardness of about Shore A80.
Standard materials: P5007, polyurethane, hardness of about Shore A82.
Temperature materials: P5075, polyurethane, hardness of about Shore A80.

Z8 series pneumatic piston seals can be easily mounted in the groove of the piston through the stretch. Make sure all edges are deburring, to avoid damaging the seal.
In the case of non-lubricated, we must ensure that there is complete inner wall of the cylinder lubricating film. This must be done before the assembly to ensure that the working life. Recommended use F2 piston guide band.

For special requirements (temperature, speed, used for water, HFA solution, HFB fluid, etc. medium), please contact our service department in order to recommend appropriate materials and structures.

  订货号          D*d*H/L

Z80415N3580     4*1.5*1.5/2

Z80504N3580     5*2.5*1.5/2

Z80630N3580     6*3*2/2.5

Z80750N3580     7.5*4.9*2/2.5

Z80804N3580     8*4*2.55/3

Z80806N3580     8*4.8*2.3/2.7

Z80810N3580     8*5.45*2.3/2.8

Z81003N3580     10*3*3.5/4

Z81006N3580     10*6*2.55/3

Z81106N3580     11*6*2.55/3

Z81207N3580     12*7*2.55/3

Z81030N3580     13*8*2.55/3

Z81421N3580     14*8*2.55/3

Z81509N3580     15*9*2.55/3

Z81610N3580     16*10*2.55/3

Z81611N3580     16*11*2.55/3

Z81812N3580     18*12*2.55/3

Z82014N3580     20*14*2.55/3

Z82115N3580     21*15*2.55/3

Z82216N3580     22*16*2.55/3

Z82418N3580     24*18*3.25/3.5

Z82519N3580     25*19*3.25/3.5

Z82822N3580     28*22*3.25/3.5

Z83022N3580     30*22*3.25/3.5

Z83023N3580     30*22.5*4.8/5.2

Z83224N3580     32*24*3.25/3.5

Z83527N3580     35*27*3.25/3.5

Z83628N3580     36*28*3.25/3.5

Z83729N3580     37*29*3.25/3.5

Z83818N3580     38*30*3.25/3.5

Z84032N3580     40*32*3.25/3.5

Z84234N3580     42*34*3.25/3.5

Z84522N3580     45*37*3.25/3.5

Z85042N3580     50*42*3.25/3.5

Z85205N3580     52*42*4.25/4.5

Z85705N3580     57*50.5*3.25/3.5

Z85816N3580     58*48*4.25/4.5

Z86353N3580     63*53*4.25/4.5

Z88070N3580     80*70*4.25/4.5

Z89080N3580     90*80*4.25/4.5

Z8A090N3580     100*90*4.25/4.5

Z8C505N3580     125*105*8.25/8.5

Z8F113N3580     150*130*8.25/8.5

Z8G014N3580     160*140*8.25/8.5

Z8L018N3580     200*180*8.25/8.5

Z80804P5007     8*4*2.55/3

Z80807P5007     8*4.8*2.55/3

Z81006P5007     10*6*2.55/3

Z81207P5007     12*7*2.55/3

Z81260P5007     12.6*7.5*2.55/3

Z81610P5007     16*10*2.55/3

Z82014P5007     10*14*2.55/3

Z82519P5007     25*19*3.25/3.5

Z82520P5007     25*19*4/4.5

Z82822P5007     28*22*3.25/3.5

Z83021P5007     30*21*2.75/3.2

Z83224P5007     32*24*3.25/3.5

Z84032P5007     40*32*3.25/3.5

Z85042P5007     50*42*3.25/3.5

Z86353P5007     63*53*4.25/4.5

Z88070P5007     80*70*4.25/4.5

Z8A090P5007     100*90*4.25/4.5

Z8C505P5007     125*105*8.25/8.5

Z8G014P5007     160*140*8.25/8.5

Z8L018P5007     200*180*8.25/8.5


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