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Product Name: Simrit/CFW B2PT SEAL 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: CFW/Simrit   →   Oil seals
Product Type: B2PT
Click 3534 
Product Information:

Model: B2PT
Material: Simrit PTFE 561/10

1. Features
OD: metal skeleton
Seal lip made of PTFE
2. Materials

Sealing lip:
Simrit PTFE 561/10, precise centering and preforming
Metal insert:
Symbol of stainless steel material No.1.4571

3. Operating conditions

Media: Mineral oils, synthetic oils, grease, water, acids, alkalis, solvents, gas
T: - 130 ° C to +200 ° C
v: to 30m / s
p: to 1MPa (10bar) Maximum allowable values and other operating conditions

4. Advantages

GM special ring in mechanical engineering and chemical industrial use
High temperature
Suitable for dry running and lack of lubrication operations
No stick-slip properties
However: dynamic sealing performance but limited
5. cavity and machining standards

Axis: Tolerance: ISO h 11
 Concentricity: IT 8
 Roughness Ra = 0,2 - 0,8
  Rz = 1,0 - 5,0
  Rmax = <6,3
 Hardness: 45-60 HRC
 Finish: no to the state, preferably with a cross feed grinding
Cavity: Tolerance: ISO H8
 Roughness: Rz = 6,3 - 16 Pan

6. Install

Press DIN3760 regulations, careful installation is to ensure a good seal function prerequisite

¢ d1 shaft diameter size range
B2PT: 10mm ~ 125mm

 CFW -B2PT type PTFE seal series models are as follows:

Type Size Code
B2PT 10 * 22 * 7 406518
B2PT 12 * 22 * 7 406519
B2PT 12 * 25 * 7 406523
B2PT 14 * 30 * 7 406526
B2PT 15 * 30 * 7 406529
B2PT 15 * 32 * 7 406530
B2PT 16 * 35 * 7 406531
B2PT 17 * 35 * 7 406532
B2PT 18 * 32 * 7 406533
B2PT 20 * 30 * 7 406536
B2PT 20 * 32 * 7 406537
B2PT 20 * 35 * 7 406538
B2PT 20 * 40 * 7 406539
B2PT 20 * 47 * 7 406540
B2PT 25 * 38 * 7 406568
B2PT 25 * 40 * 7 406569
B2PT 25 * 42 * 7 406570
B2PT 25 * 47 * 7 406571
B2PT 25 * 52 * 7 406572
B2PT 28 * 47 * 7 406616
B2PT 30 * 40 * 7 406617
B2PT 30 * 45 * 7 406619
B2PT 30 * 47 * 7 406620
B2PT 30 * 50 * 7 406621
B2PT 32 * 47 * 8 406650
B2PT 35 * 47 * 8 406651
B2PT 35 * 50 * 8 406652
B2PT 35 * 52 * 8 406653
B2PT 35 * 55 * 8 406698
B2PT 35 * 62 * 8 406699
B2PT 38 * 55 * 8 406700
B2PT 40 * 52 * 8 406701
B2PT 40 * 55 * 8 406702
B2PT 40 * 60 * 8 406713
B2PT 40 * 62 * 8 406715
B2PT 42 * 55 * 8 406716
B2PT 45 * 60 * 8 406717
B2PT 45 * 62 * 8 406789
B2PT 45 * 65 * 8 406792
B2PT 50 * 62 * 8 406798
B2PT 50 * 68 * 8 406801
B2PT 50 * 70 * 8 406802
B2PT 50 * 72 * 8 406804
B2PT 52 * 72 * 8 406805
B2PT 55 * 70 * 8 406820
B2PT 55 * 72 * 10 353545
B2PT 55 * 80 * 8 406821
B2PT 60 * 75 * 8 406823
B2PT 60 * 80 * 8 406825
B2PT 65 * 80 * 10 406826
B2PT 65 * 85 * 10 406827
B2PT 70 * 90 * 10 406771
B2PT 70 * 100 * 10 406829
B2PT 72 * 100 * 10 406831
B2PT 75 * 95 * 10 406832
B2PT 75 * 100 * 10 526214
B2PT 80 * 100 * 10 406772
B2PT 80 * 110 * 10 406833
B2PT 85 * 110 * 10 406834
B2PT 90 * 110 * 10 406773
B2PT 95 * 120 * 12 406835
B2PT 100 * 120 * 12 406774
B2PT 100 * 130 * 12 406837
B2PT 105 * 130 * 12 406839
B2PT 110 * 130 * 12 406775
B2PT 110 * 140 * 12 406840
B2PT 115 * 140 * 12 406841
B2PT 120 * 140 * 12 406842
B2PT 125 * 150 * 12 406838
B2PT 140 * 170 * 15 365200
B2PT 175 * 205 * 15 471887

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