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Product Name: PARKER M4 
Product Price:  US $ / Item
Product Category: PARKER   →   PARKER液压密封
Product Type: M4
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Product Information:

Parker M4 piston seal combination V

  M4 piston seals are used to seal the piston. This is a V-shaped seal ring, and support ring retaining ring thereof. By appropriately selecting the V-ring seal material, this seal assembly is applicable to all kinds of working conditions. For example, NBR materials without fabric reinforced V-ring seals can be used at low temperatures or special requirements of strict conditions.


1. Material:

Collar: N B R based hard fabric material (Q 5 0 2 1 / Q5022)

V-ring seals: fabric-reinforced NBR based material (Q5018 / Q5019)

Support ring: polyacetal resin (POM-W5001) or

NBR-based hard fabric (Q5021 / Q5022)

For high temperature and chemical resistance of the working conditions, it is recommended to use the company FKM material.

If the special requirements (temperature, velocity, for water, HFA solution, HFB and other liquid media), please contact our service department in order to recommend the right materials and structures.


2. Application:

Working pressure: ≤500bar

Operating temperature: -40 to + 100 ° C

Surface speed: ≤0.5m / s

Suitable for double-acting piston seal.


3. Install:

The installation of such seals need to split pistons. When installed, do not seal assembly on sharp edges or thread pulled through. Design of the rear surface of the piston should be installed in advance when installing such a seal assembly support ring, so that the piston member has a central entrance slightly inclined or rounded for easy installation.

»E« maximum value guide ring (see "gap Select") security when worn.


M4 combination piston seal type V

  Order No. D * d * H / L

M4002000001 20 * 10 * 9 / 9.3

M4002500001 25 * 15 * 9 / 9.3

M4003000001 30 * 20 * 9 / 9.3

M4004000001 40 * 25 * 11 / 11.5

M4004500001 45 * 30 * 11 / 11.5

M4005000001 50 * 35 * 11 / 11.5

M4005500001 55 * 40 * 11 / 11.5

M4006000001 60 * 45 * 11 / 11.5

M4006300001 63 * 48 * 12.5 / 13

M4007000001 70 * 50 * 14.5 / 15.2

M4008000001 80 * 60 * 14.5 / 15.2

M4009000001 90 * 70 * 20.5 / 21.2

M4010000001 100 * 80 * 20.3 / 21.2

M4011000001 110 * 90 * 20.5 / 21.2

M4011500001 115 * 95 * 20.5 / 21.2

M4012500001 125 * 100 * 25.1 / 25.8

M4014000001 140 * 115 * 25.1 / 25.8

M4015000001 150 * 120 * 28/29

M4016000001 160 * 130 * 28/29

M4018000001 180 * 150 * 30.5 / 31.5

M4020000001 200 * 170 * 32.5 / 33.5

M4022500001 225 * 195 * 32.5 / 33.5

M4025000001 250 * 220 * 32.5 / 33.5

M4030000001 300 * 270 * 32.5 / 33.5

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